Our collection features a wide range of biological specimens and historical artifacts from various time periods on Utila. Take your time and immerse yourself in the rich history and beauty of nature.
Museum of Natural & Cultural History, Utila Island, Honduras
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Herpetology Collections
Fifty wet preserved specimens of species on Utila, as well as various dry taxidermy, skulls, bones or voucher skins. Most our voucher specimens were found dead on roads (DOR); all were collected with permission of authorities, ICF. The collection offers insights into the diversity of species occuring on Utila, Honduras. A total of 46 species have been recorded on Utila to date.
Reptiles and Amphibians
Freshwater/Marine Turtles and Crocodile
Ornithology Collection
Twenty different species of birds are represented in our collections, of which, >75% are migratory species. Birds were collected opportunistically dead on road (DOR), or other circumstances, poor weather conditions, cats, exhaustion during migratory periods etc. Voucher material includes skulls, wet specimens, taxidermies and articulated skeletons, nests, eggs and feathers. Over 100 species are known to Utila.
Taxidermy Specimens
Skulls and Skeletons
Bat Collection
Fourteen species of bats have also been registered on Utila, of which, we have 8 species vouchers in our collection.
Six different species of whale and dolphin are so far represented in our collection. Voucher material includes skulls, bones, teeth and articulated skeletons, collected with permissions during our study and attendance to various stranding events on Utila Island, including some materials of public donations.